What to pack before leaving for the Seychelles
1. a pair of sneakers, even light ones, but made for walking: an excursion to the Vallée de Mai nature reserve in Praslin or a climb to Nid d'Aigle as well as Anse Maron in La Digue are experiences that youwe suggest;
2. anti-mosquito products: especially if you do the excursions above; quite effective are also the special bracelets impregnated with lemongrass, or the repellent wipes to be quickly passed onarms and legs;
3. rain ponchos, perfect disposable ones that, folded up, are as big as a packet of handkerchiefs: they are very useful for thin drizzles that will surprise you just as you areon the opposite side of the island from the hotel where you are staying;
4. shorts of consistent fabric and not too short: maybe not really cycling bermuda shorts, but if you intend to move on two wheels, it is better to leave equipped;
5. sunglasses and hat: there are those who have hats of every shape and color and those who hate them; for the second group, brace yourself and drop one on your head; have we already reminded you that we are close to the equator?
6. a camera: surely your smartphone will have millions of pixels, but a good camera, perhaps a digital SLR, will truly capture all the wonderful colors of the Seychelles.